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Study Shows That 1/3 of Drivers Are Texting

 Posted on December 06, 2013 in Uncategorized

A recent study from the Governors Voice on Highway Safety indicates that even though there are state laws forbidding it and many published research articles about the dangers of texting and driving, as many as 1/3 of people on the road are still partaking in the habit. This is certainly not a new problem, but the proliferation of technology has helped to raise awareness about the dangers of texting and driving, just one of which is the potential for serious car accidents.

Three years ago, 28 states reported that distracted driving was a concern and something on the radar of legislators, but 40 states now report this is a critical problem on their roadways. Forty-seven states and DC actually have specific laws in place against distracted driving, and the ban of text messaging while operating a vehicle has taken a dramatic increase of 43 percent in just three years.

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Finding the Best Nursing Home Facility in New Braunfels, Texas

 Posted on December 03, 2013 in Uncategorized

There comes a moment when all children realize that mom or dad can no longer safely live within the comforts of their own home. As a member of the growing Sandwich Generation, you have become the encompassing caregiver to both your own family and00990 one or both of your parents.

As you face the difficult question of what your next step may be to ensure safety and quality care, take comfort that A Place for Mom, a non-profit organization connecting families to senior care, lists over 30 senior care options in the New Braunfels, Texas area. Whether you are researching custodial care or assisted living facilities in New Braunfels, all Texas healthcare facilities accepting Medicare must meet federal standards. The Texas Department of State Health Services DSHS) works closely with the CMS Dallas Regional Office regarding all facility certifications. Your next step is the interviewing process. suggests arriving at each facility with a checklist so you can evaluate each facility and later compare scores to make the best possible decision for your loved one. The site also offers sample questions and useful tips in each of the following areas:

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NHTSA Announces Investigation into Tesla Fires

 Posted on November 29, 2013 in Uncategorized

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has officially announced an investigation to determine just how safe the Tesla Model S electric car is. This announcement comes as a result of two recent reports of the car’s battery catching fire after hitting debris in the road.

In each of the accidents, one in Washington and the other in Tennessee, both cars’ struck some kind of metal object left in the road and the object pierced the undercarriage and penetrated right through to the vehicles’ battery, which then ignited.

The two vehicles that caught fire had battery monitoring systems which alerted the drivers that something was wrong and both drivers were able to escape the fires safely. No injuries were reported. There is also a report of a third vehicle which caught fire, in Mexico, as a result of an accident. There were no injuries reported in that incident either.

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Jury Deliberates Less than an Hour, Awards Plaintiff $4 Million

 Posted on November 26, 2013 in Uncategorized

A Philadelphia jury recently awarded a woman $4.2 million in her lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceutical. The lawsuit was one of 134 that have been filed against the company in Philadelphia courts by plaintiffs who say that a seizure drug manufactured by Janssen, Topamax, caused birth defects. Legal observers predict that victims will eventually file a class-action lawsuit against the company.

April Czimmer, from Virginia, told jurors that she took Topamax from August 2006 through February 2007 for the treatment of migraine headaches. Although the drug was developed as a seizure control medication, it had proven to have off-label benefits for migraines and some psychiatric conditions. In September 2007, she gave birth to a baby boy who had a cleft lip.

According to, a cleft lip is described as: “A cleft lip is a physical split or separation of the two sides of the upper lip and appears as a narrow opening or gap in the skin of the upper lip. This separation often extends beyond the base of the nose and includes the bones of the upper jaw and/or upper gum.” It took four surgeries to correct the baby’s lip.

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Sleep Apnea: The Medical Condition That Might Lead to Trucking Accidents

 Posted on November 22, 2013 in Uncategorized

According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and the American Transportation Research Institute of the American Trucking Associations, sleep apnea is fairly common among truckers. What this means for others on the road is that an individual with untreated sleep apnea may present a higher risk for trucking accidents and the injuries that follow. The research study found that nearly one-third of commercial truck drivers have sleep apnea across the spectrum from mild to severe.

This sleep disorder causes the individual to have brief interruptions in sleep where breathing is paused. In more severe causes, these interruptions can happen as many as 400 times per night. When sleep is regularly affected and the condition goes untreated, daytime alertness can be affected. It’s hard to focus the eyes, stay alert and awake, and react as quickly as if you had slept soundly through the night. Some of the symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, memory or concentration problems, feelings of depression, daytime sleepiness, gasping or choking while trying to sleep, and morning headaches.

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Chrysler Stalls Recall of Defective Jeeps

 Posted on November 18, 2013 in Uncategorized

Back in June, Chrysler approved a recall of between two and three million older SUVs that were found to be defective products. Their plan was to begin initiating the recall starting in July. They agreed in part due to pressure from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Regulators brought up concerns that the placement of the fuel tank could cause vehicles to catch fire in a rear end collision. The affected vehicles were Jeep Liberty SUVs from 2002 to 2007 as well as Jeep Grand Cherokee SUVs from 1993 to 2004. For these models, the fuel tank is situated right behind the rear axle. The NHTSA has data that shows that over 50 people died in fiery wrecks with gas tanks in that position. Chrysler has maintained throughout their battle with the government agency that the vehicles are not defective. These Jeep SUVs “are among the safest in the peer group” according to a statement released by Chrysler. But the plan to ensure the safety of their customers was to have every affected SUV inspected and fixed by installing trailer hitches to safeguard the gas tanks. And now four months after agreeing to recall and repair the vehicles, Jeep customers still have not been notified. According to a e-mail sent by Eric Mayne, a spokesperson from Chrysler, says that “preparations continue to implement the announced actions. Customers will be advised when to schedule inspections with their dealers.” There is also no telling whether Chrysler’s plan is viable without following the request of the Center for Auto Safety to conduct testing to verify that it will protect the occupants. Some safety consultants have said that the delay of the recall might be because the remedy is not viable. This is an example of a defectively designed product. The product is potentially dangerous based on the placement of the fuel tank and the fire risk associated with it. If you or your family has experienced pain and suffering due to this kind of product, then you should reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney in New Braunfels today.

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What to do After a Car Accident

 Posted on November 11, 2013 in Uncategorized

A car accident can occur in a blink of an eye according to Consumer Affairs news reporter Mark Huffman. First comes the shock and next the uncertainty as to what to do next. He offers these suggestions if you find yourself in a car accident.

Try to Stay Calm

A car crash can be a jarring experience. Therefore, it is best to get your composure first and take an assessment of personal injuries. If the car is drivable, turn on your hazard lights and move the vehicle out of the way of traffic.

Treat it Seriously

Every car accident should be treated seriously even if there are no apparent injuries. The police should always be called. The reason for this is to have an official record of the accident. Seeking medical attention is also recommended even if there appear to be no serious injuries as this creates a medical record that may be useful later. Injuries from a car accident can often show no immediate symptoms.

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The Dangers of Elderly Care in Texas

 Posted on November 08, 2013 in Uncategorized

Elderly care is necessary for those who cannot take care of themselves. Whether that is due to illness, disability, or just old age, nursing homes provide an invaluable service to our grandparents and parents. Yet, the same reason that they need around the clock care is why they are susceptible to harm and abuse by their caregivers.

It is difficult to find the right kind of care for grandparents. But a non-profit group called Families for Better Care is trying to change that. Their executive director, Brian Lee, stated that “you’ve got to be able to have a good vetting process to be able to determine which people, the caregivers, are going to treat the residents with dignity and respect. You’ve got to hire the right people. State officials need to hold nursing homes accountable. And nursing homes need to hold themselves accountable and step up and start providing better care.” Thanks to this company’s hard work, the process is easier to navigate.

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The Dangers of Anesthesiology

 Posted on October 29, 2013 in Uncategorized

Major surgeries generally require anesthesia to avoid pain and suffering for the patient. The anesthesia is administered either intravenously or through inhaled gases, and sometimes, a combination of both. The patient is rendered unconscious as if asleep, but since it relaxes the body, the anesthesiologist will monitor vital signs and assist breathing with a medical device. As scary as anesthesia seems, the process is one of the safest procedures in healthcare. A recent study at Yale University School of Medicine has reported a decrease in complications from surgery. They detailed that there was a near 60 percent drop in problems like nausea and difficulty breathing that are present in the recovery room. Part of the reason why anesthesia is safer is with the use of combinations of different products as well as the use of nerve blocks like epidurals. There are certain factors that can increase the risks of going under for surgery, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Obesity

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Where are the Safest City Drivers?

 Posted on October 25, 2013 in Uncategorized

Allstate Insurance Co. recently released their annual Allstate America’s Best Drivers Report®. For the ninth year in a row, the company has taken the 200 largest cities in the country and ranked them by the frequency of car collisions in determining who is the safest.

According to figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), vehicle accident fatalities increased by more than 1700 victims from 2011 to 2012. This has been the first increase since 2005. Allstate’s own research reveals that 70 percent of vehicle accidents occur at low speeds of 35 m.p.h. or less.

For the third time in nine years, Fort Collins, Colo. has been the safest driving city on Allstate’s list. The number two spot went to Boise, Idaho, followed by Sioux Falls, S.D., Brownsville, Texas and Madison, Wis.

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