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Restrictions Eased for Student Accused of Aggravated Assault

 Posted on January 14, 2014 in Uncategorized

The death of a New Braunfels high school student rocked the community in n-11-after alleged Internet rumor fueled an assault. Logan Davidson, 15, was punched twice in the hallway of Canyon High School, an attack that “was witness by several students and captured on more than one video camera,” according to the San Antonio Express-News. The suspect was unidentified because of his age. “No evidence of bullying history between the boys had been verified, police Captain John McDonald” told the San Antonio Express-News. After being punched twice in the head, Davidson fell over and struck his head against a wall as he fell. Police reported that the attack was not a fight, but an assault—a crime that could carry sentencing congruent with a felony charge. According to a Teen Resources page from the Texas Attorney General’s Office, the act of punching someone in the hallway at school is considered assault. If the victim experienced serious bodily harm, the charge is elevated to aggravated assault. Canyon High School graduate Ashtin Caddell, 21, told the Express-News that, “it’s very heartbreaking that two lives were ruined. One died and the other could go to prison.” Immediately following the incident two funds were set up for both families of the boys involved. The suspect, a sophomore, was being held on house arrest following the incident, according to the Herald-Zeitung. In December, a judge lessened the restrictions that had been placed on the boy. “He allowed family visits, family telephone conversation. He allowed home schooling. He allowed more leeway as far as his movements,” according to the Herald-Zeitung. While his restrictions may have been lifted, the punishment the unnamed sophomore faces could still be severe. According to the Herald-Zeitung, “a Bexar County medical examiner listed the manner of death as a homicide.” If you or someone you know has been injured in a fistfight or been the victim of aggravated assault, you are likely eligible for compensation. If you suspect that you may be, the most important first step is to contact a personal injury attorney. Contact The Bettersworth Law Firm today for a free consultation.

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Car-on-Bicycle Accident Safety in Texas

 Posted on January 11, 2014 in Uncategorized

Bike lanes are becoming increasingly popular in cities throughout Texas, providing a healthy and affordable way for individuals to exercise and commute to work. Currently, there are bike lanes and bike support initiatives used in multiple Texas cities, including Austin and Fort Worth. Although bicycles are regularly used for transportation, unfortunately, they are often still involved in serious crashes with motor vehicles. These cases should be handled by a personal injury attorney who can fight for the compensation that victims deserve.

Cars colliding with vehicles occurs most often in cities, where more individuals tend to rely on bicycles as their method of transportation. A report from the University of Texas discovered that 68.3% of bicycle and car roadway crashes in the Houston-Galveston area, for example, occurred within the city limits. Bicycle accidents are a nationwide concern, even though greater awareness and visibility has helped to reduce the number of accidents and deaths for cyclists since 1995. Despite these decreases, it is expected that the total cost for bicyclist injury and death is more than $4 billion each year.

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Deadly Pedestrian Accident in Texas Shines Light on Accident Protocol

 Posted on January 07, 2014 in Uncategorized

A 39-year old man was killed in a pedestrian accident near east El Paso earlier this month, and the suspect has been taken into police custody. Although the pedestrian was not using a crosswalk at the time, the driver of the Chevrolet Malibu who allegedly hit the pedestrian left the scene of the accident only to return later. Police state that the driver could be facing serious penalties as a result of the accident and leaving the scene. The victim, Victor Perez, was taken to Del Sol Medical Center where he passed away from his injuries.

Accidents like this one may be grounds for a serious personal injury lawsuit should the victim survive. If you are involved in an automobile on pedestrian accident, it is important that everyone stay at the scene of the incident until directed otherwise by emergency medical personnel or law enforcement. As a pedestrian victim, you are likely to face critical injuries that could alter your quality of life significantly. Even if you believe that you have not sustained vital injuries, you should be seen by medical professionals as soon as possible for a full evaluation.

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NTSB Pushes For Hair Drug Testing of Truck Drivers

 Posted on January 03, 2014 in Uncategorized

The American Trucking Association is encouraging the Department of Transportation to take a deeper look at the impact of impaired truck driving. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or other drugs can be affected by a lack of focus and poor judgment on the road. This can lead to dangerous trucking accidents with injuries and even death. The current process for testing truck drivers is via urine, but the American Trucking Association wants the Department of Transportation to instead use hair samples.

The goal of this change is to curb the number of drivers on the road under the influence of drugs. The ATA argues that too many truck drivers knew how to pass a urine test even when they were under the influence. A drug test of a hair sample, however, would indicate the truth.

Representatives from the ATA believe that it’s the responsibility of the government to make this high quality drug testing tool available to motor carriers across the country. Impaired driving has been a focus for state and federal agencies and legislators recently. The most recent report from the NTSB, for example, is solely focused on reducing incidents of driving impaired by alcohol.

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National Initiative to Increase Driver Safety

 Posted on December 28, 2013 in Uncategorized

Driver safety is a huge concern for everyone. But it is often the drivers who pose the biggest threat to themselves. That is why auto safety regulators are trying to use advances in car technology to improve safety on the road. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Administrator David Strickland said that “Ninety percent of all crashes have an element of human errors. We really need to focus on what more we can do to address these risks.” In the past, automakers have typically balked at including safety measures in their vehicles. They resisted safety restraints, air bags and even backup cameras. But they are fully supporting a new safety initiative that will seek to stop drunk driving. Insurance companies also believe this technology would greatly reduce claims and deaths. The NHTSA and seventeen different automakers are engineering a system called the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety, or DADDS. It may use current technology like automatic braking and collision warning. It will also integrate a blood alcohol sensor that could lock the transmission if the driver is above the legal limit of .08. There are some people who have an issue with this new development in car safety. The restaurant lobby has called this initiative as an example of the encroaching nanny state of government. Others say that the new equipment required for this new system would add hundreds of dollars to the cost of a new vehicle. There are also concerns that the technology may cause false positives that would frustrate drivers and possibly stop them from purchasing new automobiles. The DADDS program is still being researched at this time. The first prototype is scheduled to be operational in a couple of years. Until the time when blood alcohol levels can be measured unobtrusively this may not be a reality. Drunk driving is still a legitimate threat to the safety of other drivers. If you or your loved ones have been injured by a drunk driver, then you should seek the consul of an experienced personal injury attorney in New Braunfels today.

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The Countermeasures against Wrong Way Accidents

 Posted on December 24, 2013 in Uncategorized

Wrong way accidents are not as common as other types of crashes. Yet, what they lack in frequency, they make up for in devastating consequences. Since wrong way collisions often occur when two cars hit head-on, the likelihood of death or an incapacitating injury is likely. These accidents often occur in the early dawn hours on Texas roads while drivers are impaired by alcohol. Wrong way accidents are 60 percent more likely to occur in major metropolitan areas, such as San Antonio and Dallas-Fort Worth, than in rural areas.

Texas’s Department of Transportation, or TxDOT, knows that wrong way accidents are an epidemic in Texas. There is a particular fifteen mile section of US 281 were the highest number of wrong way accidents in Texas occurred last year. The stretch is between Stone Oak Parkway and Interstate 35. In 2012, TxDOT created a test program to stop people from driving the wrong way on highways. They installed flashing wrong way signs and radar devices which alert the San Antonio Police Department. That May, fifteen wrong way drivers were stopped by the police before any crash occurred.

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U.S. Regulators Back Efforts To Create Self-Driving Cars

 Posted on December 21, 2013 in Uncategorized

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is behind new efforts to create technology for self-driving cars. Self-driving cars have gotten coverage in the media lately because they may be able to help cut down on the number of auto accidents that lead to serious injuries and death. Self-driving cars are equipped with technology that can help predict collisions before they happen. When drivers are alerted earlier to possible crashes, the driver has more time to adjust his or her own behavior and limit the chances of being in an accident. Regulators believe that it will still be many years before completely autonomous vehicles will be on the road. Right now, these vehicles are still in the testing stages, and regulators believe that more research and information is needed to ensure their safety. Both Nissan and Daimler have already expressed interest in developing autonomous cars. What drivers can expect over the coming years as an increasing number of autonomous programs within the car, although drivers will still be responsible for operating the vehicle. Complete automation of the vehicle is in the distant future. Stakeholders gathered this past week at the Los Angeles Auto Show with a fair mix of excitement and caution surrounding the concept of self-driving cars. Some doubters are concerned that even fully equipped computers inside a vehicle will not be evil to anticipate the reality of traffic in many places across the country. Those involved in developing and supporting autonomous cars do believe that accidents can and will happen with these vehicles, which will make it difficult in the short run to convince drivers of their safety. These cars, however, may go a long way towards reducing devastating car accidents. If you have already been injured in a serious Texas car accident, you need to schedule a consultation with a prominent Texas personal injury lawyer.

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‘Tis the Season for Child Safety

 Posted on December 17, 2013 in Uncategorized

The approaching holidays are truly a joyful season for our children and as parents we strive amidst the hustle and bustle to create yet another memorable holiday. First and foremost, however, the safety of our children should remain at the top of our holiday “to do” list.

While our children marvel at colorful lights, sing carols, help bake endless batches of cookies and look forward to visiting with the jolly ole man himself, it is the anticipation of waking up on December 25 to the surprises left by the infamous elf that delights them most. Then reluctantly, leaving their treasures behind, it is off to join family and friends as the celebration of the season continues. And this is when the problems could begin.

As parents we know which safe Christmas toys are appropriate for our child’s age and ability level but unsuspecting friends and relatives may not. An ill-chosen gift could possibly turn your holiday into a tumultuous nightmare as you race to the nearest emergency room.

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Pedestrian Hit By Car Succumbs to Injuries

 Posted on December 13, 2013 in Uncategorized

A woman died in the last week of eing-11-after struck by a vehicle the night before. According to the Seguin Gazette, “Denali Brooke Molina, 25, of New Braunfels was sitting in the middle of the road when she was hit by a car.” There were several witnesses present at the scene who told police that they were unable to help the victim in time. “The first witness told investigators he went home to retrieve a phone to call in that the victim was walking round in the middle of the road.” Another witness said that he was on the phone reporting that Molina needed assistance when she was struck.

This is a specific incident that would likely be considered the fault of the victim in a court of law. If you hit a pedestrian with your car, however, or are a pedestrian that is a victim of a car accident, it is important to know the facts. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “4,280 pedestrians died in traffic crashes in 2010, a 4 percent increase from the number reported in 2009.” The number continued to rise in 2011, totaling 4,432 pedestrian deaths. About 11,000 of these injuries were sustained by pedestrians aged 14 and younger. If you are a victim of a pedestrian accident, you could be eligible to file a personal injury suit against the driver of the car.

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Shots Fired During New Braunfels Bar Fight

 Posted on December 10, 2013 in Uncategorized

In mid-December two New Braunfels men were involved in an incident at a bar that turned violent. Just after 1am on a Sunday morning, outside of the Watering Hole Saloon in the 1300 block of McQueeney Road, “a fight between two men outside the bar led to one of the men pulling out a handgun and firing a single round,” according to News. The person misfired and no one was injured. The man who fired immediately fled the scene. A security guard from the bar called police to the scene, and was standing at the door when the man at whom the shooter had fired tried to re-enter the bar. “When he was told that he would have to be searched for weapons first, the man punched the security guard in the face and also fled the scene.” The guard tried to chase down the man who had just assaulted him, but could not find him. When the police arrived, they couldn’t find either man. Police say that the man who assaulted the guard “had several tattoos on his neck, including a Spurs logo.” Incidents of violence and aggression at drinking establishments are common. According to Psychology Today, “over half of all murders occur under the influence of alcohol. Some high estimates go as far as to suggest 80 percent of murderers were intoxicated at the time of attack.” It’s no wonder, then, that establishments that sell alcohol to patrons will have high rates of violence. Who can be held accountable for violence that occurs at a drinking establishment is established by state Dram Laws. A dram shop refers to any place where alcohol is sold and consumed. According to the Southeast Texas Record, “the first regulated dram shops began in Texas in 1895, with the passage of the state’s first dram shop act.” In 1987, a Texas Supreme Court decision “opened the door to Dram Shop Act lawsuits.” This set the precedent that the establishment would be held responsible to not serve patrons who were visibly intoxicated. If it can be proved they did, the establishment is liable for any violence that occurs there. If you have been the victim of a bar fight or accused of alleged violence in a public place such as a bar, don’t go through it alone. Contact a New Braunfels personal injury attorney today.

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