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Study Puts Texas at Number Three for Worst Drivers in Country

 Posted on January 13, 2015 in Uncategorized

A new study puts the state of Texas as the number three state in the country with the worst drivers. This ranking comes from a company which compares car insurance companies for consumers,, according to a USA Today article. The data was compiled utilizing statistics from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The statistics for each state the company used was based on the following criteria:

  • The fatality rate for every 100 million vehicle miles which were traveled;
  • The percentage of crashes which were caused by a driver’s failure to obey traffic laws. (These laws included not wearing seat belts, driving with an invalid license, and not following traffic signals.);
  • The percentage of crashes which involved drunk drivers;

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Just the Presence of Cell Phones in Car Can Be Dangerous

 Posted on January 09, 2015 in Uncategorized

The statistics tell the story – drivers who use cell phone while driving cause unnecessary dangers on the road. Yet despite all the research, statistics, and attempts to educate, people still use their cell phones while driving. More than 10 percent of all traffic fatalities in this country each year are caused by a distracted driver on a cell phone.

Now, comes even more disturbing news from a study conducted by researchers from the University of Southern Maine. According to the study, just having a cell phone in a vehicle can cause enough distraction to cause an accident. The study, titled The Mere Presence of a Cell Phone May Be Distracting: Implications for Attention and Task Performance was recently published in the journal Social Psychology.

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Why Consumers Should Take Product Recalls Seriously

 Posted on January 07, 2015 in Uncategorized

Manufacturers in almost every industry recall products on a regular basis. Companies generally announce recalls on TV networks, radio broadcasts, and popular websites. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers pay for the advertisement of a product recall, according to Some companies issue a press release that only reaches a very limited number of consumers, and for those who purchase defective products, this lack of communication often translates into injuries and even fatalities.

One way to stay aware of product recalls is to sign up for regular emails at In particular, parents should use this resource to double-check the safety of various toys and games for children.

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Accidents with Bicycles: Who Is at Fault?

 Posted on January 05, 2015 in Uncategorized

Bicycles can be excellent forms of transportation for those with daily commutes. Particularly in urban areas, bikes promote a healthier lifestyle and are better for the environment.

As with any form of transit, however, safety is always a concern. Traffic accidents involving bicycles almost always cause injuries.

When an accident does occur, drivers and cyclists might wonder who is at fault. They also might question if the incident could lead to a lawsuit. The truth is that every case is unique, which is why it is often helpful to speak with an attorney.

Under Texas law, bicycles are considered to be vehicles. According to Bike Texas, this implies that a cyclist must obey all stop signs, traffic lights, and conventional traffic laws as other motorists. Bikes generally have the right-of-way, which may be something other drivers may not take into consideration when sharing the road.

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Recalled Car Seats May Cause Fingertip Amputation in Children

 Posted on December 29, 2014 in Uncategorized

Graco Corporation, one of the largest manufacturers of baby and child products, has issued a recall for 11 different models of baby strollers because of reports the products may cause a fingertip amputation hazard. According to an announcement on the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) website, the folding hinge, which is located on the side of the stroller, can pinch a baby or small child’s finger, which may result in a laceration or amputation of the child’s finger.

Graco has received at least 11 different complaints from consumers where children were injured. Six of those victims had their full fingertip amputated in the incidents, four children received a partial-fingertip amputation injury, and one child received a serious fingertip laceration. The company warns parents and other caregivers, when opening a stroller, to make sure the side hinge has completely locked in place before placing the child in it.

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Texas Department of Transportation Continues Driver Awareness to Combat Inattentive Driving

 Posted on December 26, 2014 in Uncategorized

Americans are reliant on the use of mobile devices to keep connected throughout the day. The improvement in technology and increase of people with smartphones will have led to a reported total of 1.75 billion smartphone users worldwide by the end of 2014. With information so readily available at our fingertips, the number of motor vehicle accidents due to inattentive driving have continued to increase, leading to a larger number of personal injuries and fatalities. According to the National Safety Council, over 18,000 collisions occurred in Texas last year due to inattentive driving, 1,000 of which involved cell phone use as a contributing factor. To help address the problem, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) convened in June for an educational summit for employers to encourage implementation of driving policies in the workplace. KXAN News in Austin reported that TxDOT also implemented its “Talk, Text, Crash” distracted driving awareness campaign during the summer. They hosted events throughout the state with guest speakers discussing personal situations involving loved ones lost as a result of talking or texting while driving. Drivers can be proactive in their prevention of accidents caused by inattentive driving. Avoid using smartphones while driving by following basic safety tips, including:

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Cost of Non-Fatal Car Accidents $18.4 Billion Annually

 Posted on December 23, 2014 in Uncategorized

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently released the latest statistics regarding the cost each year from non-fatal traffic accidents. That information released by the CDC was compiled using data from the year 2012.

Many people realize the cost of fatal crashes – both emotionally and economically. In 2012, there were almost 23,000 people killed in car crashes, at a financial cost of $226 million. The CDC also puts the potential life in years lost at 265,000.

Non-fatal car accidents, although not as emotionally devastating as fatal ones, can be financially devastating. According to the report, the medical costs of non-fatal accidents in 2012 were $18.4 billion. In total for the year, victims visited emergency rooms 2.5 million times because of injuries they sustained in car crashes. Almost 10 percent of these emergency room visits resulted in the patient being admitted to the hospital for treatment, with the total amount of days lost to hospitalization at 1,057,465.

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Survey: 90 Percent of Children Taken Out of Booster Seats Too Soon

 Posted on December 17, 2014 in Uncategorized

Even before the moment a newborn baby leaves the hospital, most parents have spent a good deal of time researching their purchase for a child safety seat. Many police departments offer child seat safety checks where parents can make sure the seat they are using is installed correctly in order to keep their child safe and protected in the event of an auto accident. Additionally, hospitals will not release an infant until they verify the baby will be put into a safety seat.

As a child gets bigger and outgrows safety seats, parents are advised to use booster seats because, although the child is too big for a car seat, they have not grown enough to use vehicle adult safety belts safely. Yet a recent study shows that many parents overlook those safety issues and take away those booster seats before the child is big enough.

Safe Kids Worldwide conducted an online survey of parents who had booster seat aged children. An incredible 90 percent of parents admitted to removing the booster seat before their child was big enough for the seat belts.

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Study Shows Incentives Help Slow Down Speeding Drivers

 Posted on December 12, 2014 in Uncategorized

Spare the rod, spoil the child? The same may be said for drivers who are guilty of consistently disobeying the speed limit. A study found that the best way to discourage speeding was not only to offer financial incentives as a way to reward good driving, but to also impose penalties when a driver is caught speeding.

Speeding kills – there are over 10,000 people killed every year in this country in car crashes that are caused by a speeding driver. Almost 80 percent of 15 to 24 year old male drivers who are involved in a fatal car crash were speeding. Fewer than 15 percent of fatal crashes caused by speeding occur on highways. The state of Texas has one of the highest rates of speeding-related fatalities each year, with approximately 3,000 people killed annually.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) backed the study, which included researchers from Old Dominion University, in Norfolk, Virginia and Western Michigan University, in Kalamazoo.

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Recovering Damages after Bus and Public Transit Accidents

 Posted on December 09, 2014 in Uncategorized

Public transportation should always strive to offer safe and affordable means of travel for citizens. Sadly, this is not always the case. Accidents do occur, often as the results of neglect. Some passengers are lucky enough to walk away from a bus accident with little more than a scare; others, however, might suffer more serious injuries.

All passengers have rights, and it is important to understand them—especially when accidents happen. Depending on the nature of the accident, it may be possible to file a personal injury lawsuit. It is always beneficial to review the details of the incident and any injuries sustained with an experienced personal injury attorney.

Sometimes, the cause of an accident is not always clear. Crashes may occur as a result of driver negligence, poor road design, inclement weather, bus or car defects, and more. Despite the reason, there are some important steps everyone should take after experiencing an accident—whether one appears to be injured or not.

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