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Pedestrian Struck By 18-Wheeler Crossing I-35

 Posted on September 25, 2019 in Uncategorized

Recently, a man was attempting to cross I-35 near 15th Street in downtown Austin when he was tragically struck and killed by a passing 18-wheeler. Law enforcement has divulged few details as of this writing, only stating that the pedestrian did not survive and that the 18-wheeler driver remained at the scene after the collision, presumably cooperating with the investigation. If you have been involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler, your medical bills can be very serious, and it can make all the difference if you are able to bring suit to try and recover compensation for your injuries.

Multiple Statistics and Causes

18-wheeler accidents are unfortunately too common in the United States, but some states (like Texas) seem to experience more than others, between larger populations and simply having more roads – the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) estimates that the state contains nearly 80,000 miles of roadways, whereas a small state like Rhode Island has less than 10,000. Texas roads also boast higher speed limits than many, with the average being 75 mph, but some roads have 80 mph limits – and in one case, I-130, the limit is 85 mph.

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Round Rock Has More Traffic, But Fewer Crashes

 Posted on September 23, 2019 in Uncategorized

The region of Texas between Austin and Round Rock has been one of the fastest-growing in the state in recent years, but with growth comes higher crime and traffic rates most of the time. However, the city of Round Rock has seemingly found a way to reduce both traffic accidents and attendant fatalities, even as the area continues to grow and change. If you do wind up involved in a traffic accident in Round Rock, know that the laws have been updated and strengthened so as to help those who still experience crashes.

Overhaul of Round Rock Traffic Enforcement

Statistics from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) show that collisions in the city proper have reduced significantly – April 2017-March 2018 saw 8 traffic fatalities, while April 2018-March 2019 saw just one. Collisions overall in Round Rock also dropped by roughly 5 percent, which does not sound like a lot, but is enough to push injury and fatality counts down enough to be statistically significant. Even one life saved is a positive, but Round Rock law enforcement continues to make positive changes.

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SAPD Officer Injured in Rollover Crash

 Posted on September 18, 2019 in Uncategorized

Recently, a San Antonio police officer was injured in a rollover crash that took place on I-10 West near Callaghan Road, having struck the guard barrels dividing lanes on the interstate. Officer Noel Ortiz managed to escape the crash with only minor scratches and bruises, but most of the time, if you are involved in a rollover accident, you may not be so lucky, as they can be very deadly. Contacting a dedicated auto accident lawyer can help you sort out what to do to seek compensation.

High Percentage of Fatalities

While any automobile accident can be potentially dangerous, rollover accidents routinely cause a higher percentage of fatalities because of the sheer amount of weight, glass and metal involved – if someone is involved in, say, a head-on collision, they will not have to contend with the inversion of their vehicle or the subsequent total loss of control. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that roughly two percent of all car crashes are rollovers, but nearly 35 percent of all traffic fatalities in passenger vehicle crashes occur in rollovers.

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Bicyclist Killed in Crash with Car

 Posted on September 16, 2019 in Uncategorized

Recently, a bicyclist was struck by a car near the intersection of Ben White Boulevard and Interstate Highway 35, sustaining “critical, life-threatening injuries” that later caused his passing in a nearby hospital. While law enforcement did not disclose details of the accident, implying that no criminal charges are pending for the driver, the possibility of a wrongful death lawsuit may still be on the proverbial table. A civil wrongful death suit will not, obviously, bring back a lost loved one, but it can help provide some financial stability while you and your family try to get back on your feet if you experience this type of tragic event.

Filing Suit

Not every death is wrongful, even if it occurs in an accident. Sometimes they simply happen, unfair as it may seem. However, if you believe that your loved one’s death occurred due to someone else’s careless or negligent conduct, filing a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court can be a way to try and at least get some closure. Texas law holds that a person can be found liable for someone’s passing, and the damages incurred from it if the death happened due to that person’s (or their agent’s) “wrongful act, neglect, carelessness, unskillfulness, or default.”

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Truck Rolls Over, Spills Cargo on I-10

 Posted on September 11, 2019 in Uncategorized

Recently, a semi-truck overturned on I-10 near Culebra Road, spilling its cargo of wooden boards out onto the roadway. Law enforcement closed several lanes of I-10 at I-35, ensuring that no one had the opportunity to drive over the cargo while the accident – and the boards – were cleared. While as of this writing, no one appears to have been injured in this accident, it is important to be aware that accidents happen due to improperly secured or loose cargo with regularity. If you are unfortunate enough to be injured in this type of accident, it can be difficult to determine how best to proceed.

Stakes Are High

Accidents involving road debris are much more common than one might think. A 2016 study from AAA’s Foundation For Traffic Safety estimates that approximately 200,000 accidents occurred between 2011-2014 where road debris was a factor, with roughly 500 deaths occurring and almost 40,000 personal injuries. While many factors might play into how an accident happened, the fact remains that road debris can turn a mild accident into a bad one, and it means drivers must be aware of their surroundings at all times.

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Cameron Road Crash Highlights Potential Community Liability

 Posted on September 09, 2019 in Uncategorized

A crash on August 13 has highlighted the potentially dangerous situation on Cameron Road and US-183, as a family of four was hospitalized after a car struck them as they crossed. This is not the first accident in this area, as three KIPP Texas Public Schools occupy a short stretch of Cameron Road, but traffic is constant and often very fast. In this type of situation, it is possible that the community or other entity responsible for road zoning and maintenance might wind up being liable for someone’s injury.

Finding Liability

Because so many schools are on Cameron Road, parents and school administrators have tried to lobby the city to mark the area as a school zone, so that drivers have some warning that pedestrians are common, as well as being required to lower their speed. However, the city has refused, stating that not enough children walk to class to warrant a school zone placement. They also point to the fact that the area is not zoned as residential. Yet the accidents keep happening.

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Pedestrian Killed After Being Struck Multiple Times Crossing I-37 N

 Posted on September 04, 2019 in Uncategorized

On the night of August 14, a man was trying to cross I-37 N between Cesar Chavez Boulevard and Florida Street when he was struck by a 2012 Kia Optima. Afterward, he was then struck by more vehicles in quick succession and later pronounced dead at the scene. While law enforcement currently do not anticipate charges being filed in the man’s death, it is still possible that his family may choose to file wrongful death charges in civil court. If you have been unfortunate enough to lose a loved one in a traffic accident, this may be an option for you and your family to try and recover some of the expenses incurred.

Establishing Negligence

Everyone passes away eventually, but if you lose a loved one suddenly, it can be devastating. Losing someone due to another person’s recklessness or negligence is something that no one should have to deal with. A wrongful death claim in Texas hinges around establishing that your loved one’s passing would not have occurred but for the negligence of the defendant, and that had they lived, they would have had cause to bring their own lawsuit against the defendant for the injuries they incurred.

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Crash on US 183 Sends Motorcyclist to Hospital

 Posted on August 28, 2019 in Uncategorized

On the evening of August 8, a man was thrown off his motorcycle as he collided with another vehicle on northbound U.S. 183. He was transported to Dell Seton Medical Center with serious injuries, but as of this writing is expected to recover. Law enforcement has few details, but it is easy to wonder about the nature of the accident. Motorcycle riding is a dangerous hobby, but at the same time, if someone acted negligently, the injured man may have a good claim against the driver of the vehicle that struck him. If you are ever involved in an accident on your motorcycle, you should know that you have just as many rights as the driver of an automobile.

Motorcycling Can Be Dangerous

Texas has approximately 381,000 motorcycles registered in the state, and it is extremely common to see motorcycles on Texas roads. While most riders are scrupulously cautious and do everything they can to protect themselves while riding, what many non-riders are not aware of is that even if all precautions have been taken, motorcycling is markedly more dangerous than riding in a car. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that a motorcyclist is 28 times more likely to die than a vehicle driver or passenger, should an accident occur.

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One Killed As Pickup Hit By Train

 Posted on August 26, 2019 in Uncategorized

Travelers on the morning Amtrak train from San Antonio to Houston on Friday, August 2 received an unpleasant shock when their train hit a pickup truck coming out of a private drive on FM 78. According to law enforcement, no one on the train was harmed, but the driver of the pickup truck was killed. The train could not stop immediately, but did eventually halt so that law enforcement could process the scene. Train accidents are very rare, thankfully, but they do happen in Texas, especially in the Houston-San Antonio corridor where the tracks can be extremely busy. If you have been involved in a train accident, and you believe the train was operated negligently, you may be able to try and seek compensation for your injuries.

Train Accidents Are Devastating

Train-car crashes are not always fatal, but often are. Those who survive are left with serious medical bills for a host of injuries, from broken bones, cuts, and bruises to whiplash and traumatic brain injuries. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics does not include highway-grade rail crossing accidents in their annual tally, but even without them, one can see that there are hundreds of train-related injuries and fatalities each year.

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Improvements Sought for Roosevelt Avenue in South San Antonio

 Posted on August 21, 2019 in Uncategorized

The Villa Coronado Homeowners’ Association and other citizen’s groups may finally get some of the safety improvements to Roosevelt Avenue that they have been seeking, since the passage of a 2017-2022 bond earmarked for the area. The stretch between the Loop (I-410) and I-10 has historically played host to significant numbers of fatalities, and those who live and work in the area have cited these statistics as reason to improve the road. As of this writing, a pedestrian mobility project is in the works, and other improvements will follow – but it is still wise to use caution in walking and driving around this area, as accidents can and do occur.

City May Be Liable

If you are involved in an automobile accident, even as a pedestrian, it is sometimes true that the cause of the accident can be linked to problems with the road or its surrounding conditions. Texas has a problem with poorly maintained roads – statistics estimate that only around 33 percent are in good condition, with the majority being in fair condition and roughly 15 percent in poor condition. San Antonio specifically only has around 20 percent of its roads in good condition. Poor conditions can mean anything from an uneven driving surface to poor lighting and can cause significant damage to a vehicle.

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