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8-Year-Old Injured in Collision After Exiting School Bus
Children are taught from a very young age to be watchful for cars when entering or exiting the school bus. Unfortunately, this is not enough to prevent every accident from occurring. Just recently, a young child was hit by a car after exiting the bus and crossing the street. The accident occurred on the southwest side of San Antonio. Fortunately, the child’s injuries were not life-threatening.
If your child was hurt in a car accident or pedestrian accident, you and your family may be facing overwhelming medical bills and other losses after the crash. You may question if you can seek financial compensation and hold the at-fault party accountable for your child’s injuries. Texas law does allow parents to bring a personal injury claim on their child’s behalf. Parents may be able to recoup the cost of medical treatment, the child’s pain and suffering, and other damages.
Justice for Children Injured in Car Accidents
As a parent, seeing your child in pain is one of the worst experiences you can go through. If your child was injured in a wreck, you may be looking for ways to seek justice on his or her behalf. A personal injury claim may enable you to simultaneously hold the liable party responsible and pursue financial compensation for damages.
Hurt in a NYE Car Crash? You May Be Entitled to Compensation
New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are associated with friends, parties, and champagne toasts. Unfortunately, what should be a fun-filled evening with family and friends can turn into a nightmare for car accident victims. Fatal and injury-causing car wrecks peak around the holiday season – especially in Texas. One study found that more New Year’s Day accidents occur in Texas than in any other state. If you or a loved one were the victims of a serious car accident this holiday season, read on to learn about your options under Texas law.
Legal Options After a New Braunfels Car Accident
Car crashes not only cause physical suffering. They can also result in great financial suffering. Between medical expenses, the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle, and lost income from missed work, a car accident can nearly bankrupt a family. Car insurance companies are supposed to compensate accident victims for their losses, however, successfully recovering compensation after a wreck is often harder than it seems. Insurance companies may try to avoid paying the full amount owed to injured victims by denying liability or undervaluing the injured party’s losses.
Woman Pinned in Vehicle After San Antonio Loop 410 Two-Car Crash
A woman was trapped in her car after two cars crashed on Wednesday morning near the San Pedro Avenue exit on Loop 410. At 2 a.m., two cars were driving next to each other in the same direction when one car crashed into the other for unknown reasons. The female driver’s car then crashed into the barrier, severely damaging the car and pinning the woman inside. Fortunately, she was only lightly injured and was detained by police.
Car wrecks are impossible to avoid entirely, but when they happen because a driver is distracted, intoxicated, or negligent, victims of injuries and vehicle damage may be able to obtain compensation. An experienced attorney can help car crash victims who have suffered personal injuries get the help they need.
Crashes with Road Barriers Cause Serious Injuries
Although road barriers are effective at preventing injury and death compared to no barriers at all, vehicle impact with the barriers can be very dangerous. The woman involved in this accident was not seriously hurt, but research suggests that many people whose cars crash into concrete road barriers are not so lucky. Impact, including post-impact events such as roll-overs, further collisions, and overrides are associated with severe injuries and deaths. Head and neck injuries, soft tissue damage, and severe back injuries are all commonly seen after a head-on collision with road barriers.
Can I Sue if I Am a Victim of a Hit and Run Accident in Texas?
Car accidents are frightening no matter what. But if you have recently been the victim of a hit-and-run accident, you know how traumatizing it can be. In addition to whatever injuries you sustained and any damage to your vehicle, you now have the added component of trying to seek justice from someone who has fled the scene.
But leaving the scene of a car accident is a crime in Texas, and the police have effective strategies and tools for catching perpetrators of hit-and-run car wrecks. If you have suffered in a car accident, do not give up – you may be able to pursue compensation and legal action.
What Should I Do If I Was in a Hit-and-Run Accident?
As with any car accident, it is essential to remain calm. The period immediately following an accident is the best opportunity to collect important information about the accident and any damage that happened to your car or its occupants. Here are some good steps to take after a car accident:
Black Ice Can Lead to Fatal Accidents on Texas Roads and Highways
Every year, parts of Texas experience cold weather and wintry weather conditions. When it is snowing, raining, or sleeting, drivers experience lowered visibility, slippery roads, and other unfamiliar driving conditions. Unfortunately, this frequently leads to car accidents which can cause serious injuries and fatalities.
One winter weather driving hazard is particularly dangerous because it is so difficult to spot: black ice. Earlier this year in Fort Worth, six people died in a massive 100-car pile-up because of ice on the road, and, according to one study, icy pavement contributes to 10 percent of weather-related fatalities annually and a total of over 150,000 crashes per year. Some day, artificial intelligence will replace human drivers, making driving much safer, but until then it is important to know about black ice and the dangers it poses to drivers.
What is Black Ice?
Black ice is a very thin, highly transparent sheet of ice that forms on roads when precipitation like snow or rain falls and then freezes. Black ice may also form if there is enough moisture in the air to condense and form dew or fog before the temperature drops below freezing. It is frequently found on bridges and overpasses, where circulating air under the roadway makes the road temperatures colder, as well as other shaded spots where the sun has not melted the ice. Black ice is particularly dangerous at night when visibility is limited already and the ice is very difficult to distinguish from a wet roadway.
San Antonio Accident Leaves 19-Year-old Passenger Dead
When we think about car accidents resulting in injury or death, we usually assume that the driver of another vehicle is responsible. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, a negligent driver causes a crash that injures the occupants of his or her own vehicle. Sadly, this is exactly what happened recently near Loop 410 and Southton Road in San Antonio: A driver who is alleged to have been under the influence of alcohol crashed into a tree. The 19-year-old passenger sustained fatal injuries in the collision.
Crash Results in Passenger’s Death
According to law enforcement, the fatal crash occurred late the night of November 30. A man in his 40s was traveling with a young woman when he failed to negotiate a curve and collided with a tree. The vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed at the time of the accident. The force from the collision was so great that the two-vehicle occupants were trapped inside the vehicle. Firefighters eventually freed the occupants from the car but the passenger did not survive her injuries. The driver of the vehicle was allegedly intoxicated and police say he has been charged with intoxication assault.
What to Do If You Were Hurt in a Hit and Run Accident in New Braunfels, Texas
When a driver is involved in a wreck causing property damage or injuries, the driver is legally required to stay at the accident scene and exchange information with the other parties. However, some drivers ignore this law and flee the scene. Some people leave the scene of an accident in an effort to evade financial responsibility. Others hope to avoid interacting with police because they do not have a valid driver’s license or have a warrant out for their arrest. Whatever the reason, being the victim of a hit and run is traumatic and complicated. If you or a loved one were injured in a hit and run, here is what to do next:
Call the Police and Obtain Witness Information
It is important to call the police immediately after any car crash – especially a hit and run accident. The police can make a formal report of the accident and begin searching for the culprit. Sometimes police may be able to catch the at-fault driver and bring him or her to justice. Unfortunately, sometimes hit and run offenders are able to speed off and avoid liability for the crash.
Distracted Driving and Driver-Facing Cameras in Commercial Trucks

Dash cameras have been increasing in popularity for years. Nowadays, many people have cameras in their cars. Footage from these cameras can be a crucial piece of evidence in a truck accident injury claim. Most cameras are designed to capture what is going on outside of the vehicle. However, some commercial trucking companies are requiring driver-facing cameras as well. These cameras are used to ensure that drivers are paying attention to the road and avoiding unsafe practices like texting and driving. Proponents of driver-facing cameras also hope that the cameras will reduce fatigued driving.
Cameras on Truck Drivers Continues to be a Controversial Topic
For truckers, driver-facing cameras can feel invasive and excessive. Many drivers feel that having a camera pointed at their face is a violation of their privacy. However, supporters of in-cab cameras argue that the technology can reduce accidents caused by fatigued driving and distracted driving. Some companies even offer a monetary incentive to drivers who allow driver-facing cameras in their trucks.
Understanding Texas Nursing Home Neglect Claims
Nursing homes should be places of refuge for older and disabled people. Sadly, many nursing homes fail to meet the high degree of resident care we expect of them. Nursing home abuse and neglect is more common than many realize. Physical and sexual abuse, while horrific, is often easier to recognize than neglect in nursing homes. However, neglect can be just as harmful. Sometimes, nursing neglect is even fatal. If you suspect that a loved one was neglected while living in a nursing home, read on to learn more.
What Counts as Neglect?
Nursing home residents have certain rights under Texas law. Among these rights is the right to be treated with dignity and respect, be free from abuse, and report substandard care within the facility. Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are also held to certain standards regarding resident care.
Nursing home neglect can take many different forms, including:
New Braunfels Crash Leaves I-35 Covered in Fuel
When we think about the dangers of an auto accident involving commercial trucks, we usually assume that the height of the danger occurs during the initial collision. However, the aftermath of a truck accident can be wrought with additional dangers – especially if the truck is transporting flammable material such as gas or fuel, hazardous materials, or toxic materials.
Just recently, I-35 had to be closed while HAZMAT crews cleaned up diesel fuel that spilled from an 18-wheeler. The highway has since been reopened, but the crash is just a reminder of the dangers of commercial truck accidents.
Truck – Sedan Collision Causes Multi-Vehicle Accident
Everything from fuel to groceries is transported by commercial trucks throughout Texas and the U.S. When a truck accident results in spilled cargo, the cargo can create an even greater chance of injury or death. The accident that closed I-35 involved an initial collision between a semi-truck and a sedan. The truck ended up in a jackknife position on the highway, taking up three lanes of traffic. The truck also spilled approximately 75 gallons of diesel fuel. Fortunately, crews were able to clean up the fuel and make the highway safe for travel.