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Injuries in T-Bone Crashes

 Posted on November 15, 2017 in Uncategorized

On Tuesday, October 24, a young driver lost control of his car and ran a red light near Loop 1604 and FM 1346. He was killed at the scene, after being t-boned by an SUV. T-bone accidents are sadly common and can be among the most destructive to experience, but they are also very likely to result in fatalities. However, due to their lightning-quick time length, it can sometimes be difficult to show that such an accident was foreseeable to the car doing the T-boning.

Injuries Are Most Severe in T-Bone Accidents

Statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that this accident follows patterns established by examining data in that males under the age of 64 tend to suffer the worst injuries in both left and right-side impact accidents, and the figure rises noticeably when one factors in seat belt use (or lack thereof). The upper body is the most affected area, but anywhere from the abdomen and lower limbs up to the top of the head can sustain injury in a non-rollover accident.

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Hit and Run Accidents in Texas

 Posted on November 09, 2017 in Uncategorized

A 21-year-old woman was skateboarding with her boyfriend on De Zavala Road near the Interstate 10 access road when she was run over and dragged by a car. The motorist reportedly stopped as the young woman appeared out from under the car. Did the driver check on the health of the woman and call the police or an ambulance? No. He decided to speed off and leave the young woman to fend for herself.

Fortunately, another motorist caught the entire collision on their dash cam. The young woman’s boyfriend also saw the collision and chased after the negligent driver. The boyfriend was able to discern that there were two people in the vehicle that ran over his girlfriend.

The young woman suffered serious, debilitating injuries including over a dozen bone fractures, lacerations, and road rash. Her injuries were so bad that she will have to undergo skin graft surgery on her hip since it was skinned off entirely while she was being dragged by the car.

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Bus Crash Injuries

 Posted on November 07, 2017 in Uncategorized

When a large commercial vehicle like a bus collides with a smaller vehicle, the consequences can be severe. For example, a VIA bus collided with a parked pickup truck on the 2400 block of Ruiz Street in San Antonio. A woman was in the pickup truck when it was hit by the bus. Then the bus pushed the pickup truck into three other parked vehicles. The woman had to be removed from the mangled pickup truck and transported to University Hospital with serious injuries, according to My San Antonio.

Unfortunately, serious accidents involving large buses and other commercial vehicles are quite common. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there were approximately 4,311 fatal accidents involving large trucks and buses. That represents an eight percent increase in deadly accidents when compared to 2014. If that was not bad enough, the number of fatal wrecks involving large trucks and buses has jumped by 26 percent since in 2009.

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The Deadly Results of Wrong-Way Crashes

 Posted on October 31, 2017 in Uncategorized

On October 19, 2017, two people were critically injured when a car going the wrong way on Loop 1604 slammed into another motorist. While neither was killed, both drivers sustained significant harm and the road was closed down for hours. This is somewhat standard for wrong-way crashes; they do not happen very often, but when they do, it is often on busy roadways, and it often causes severe injury.

Statistics Are Revealing

The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) has made a study of such accidents, and their findings are in some ways unsurprising, but one might wonder about certain patterns. For example, statistics show that significantly more male drivers cause wrong-way accidents than female drivers, especially in situations where there were few other cars on the road. This is the case with the accident on Loop 1604, which involved only the wrong-way driver and the victim’s cars, taking place late at night.

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Texas Car Crashes and Teen Drivers

 Posted on October 26, 2017 in Uncategorized

A 17-year-old driver was killed in an automobile accident in Manor this month. His car skidded, striking that of a couple with a young girl, though none of those in that car were killed. While the victims of the man’s misfortune escaped relatively lightly, this does not mean that all those who encounter teenage drivers are so lucky. If you, by comparison, have a teenage son or daughter who has been in an accident, it is important to understand what they likely face.

Teen Drivers Are Generally Less Careful

While obviously, many teen drivers are cautious and prudent on the road, a higher share of their age group is not, proportionally speaking. The Texas Department of Transportation shows that statistically, the highest percentage of drivers in fatal crashes are between the ages of 19 and 23, and the number of drivers killed in fatal accidents is by far the highest at ages 22-24. Many teenagers feel as if the average risks of driving do not apply to them, or simply do not contemplate them – they are more likely than older people to take chances behind the wheel, such as rushing to make a light or taking a “shortcut” over a curb.

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Unsafe Speed and Construction Zone Accidents in Texas

 Posted on October 24, 2017 in Uncategorized

Every day we encounter situations in which we may be compelled to drive above the posted speed limit. We often speed when we are late for work, running behind for an appointment, or even in the case of an emergency. But in all cases, speeding endangers the lives of your passengers, yourself, others on the road, and pedestrians.

Speeding can result in traffic violations and even criminal penalties. In addition, when unsafe speed leads to an accident, there are even more legal consequences–including potential civil lawsuits and significant liability. There are certain situations in which speeding is particularly prone to causing serious collisions, such as construction zones. Construction zone accidents are frequently serious because they can involve a mass of cars and many exposed workers on or near the road itself.

In civil lawsuits stemming from construction zone accidents, statutory laws may come into play, meaning that civil lawsuits involve one party claiming that the other party’s negligence led to an injury. The specific rules of the road in construction zones are critical in establishing whether or not a party acted negligently.

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Filing Damages for Bicycle Accident Injuries

 Posted on October 19, 2017 in Uncategorized

There are very few months in Texas in which an individual would choose not to ride a bicycle if they so desired and the weather permitted. Texas is actually one of the better states to offer the opportunity to exercise and see the “great outdoors” on a bicycle. Unfortunately, the current society functions on the mechanical engine and the automobile, and bicycle injuries occur because of the fact that bicyclists are often difficult to see among a sea of moving cars.

The Law

In Texas, bicycling is very popular because of the constant temperate weather, yet injuries are often rampant. Personal injury lawyers can help assist you, a loved one, or someone you know in recovering damages for an injury suffered from a bicycle accident. The question often turns to the potential to recover damages, including pain and suffering, from your insurance carrier or the insurance carrier of the individual who caused the injury. If you are covered by an auto insurance policy, you may be able to recover for either personal injury protection (PIP) or uninsured (UM) benefits depending on your auto insurance and, in addition, you may be able to recover for your medical bills, lost wages, and other injuries.

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Austin Woman Follows Hit-and-Run Driver on Moped

 Posted on October 17, 2017 in Uncategorized

One Austin woman witnessed a hit-and-run accident on October 8, 2017, and instead of ignoring it, she acted – she followed the car for miles on her moped, eventually getting close enough to write down a plate number. The driver was arrested and charged with intoxication assault with a vehicle, and is awaiting trial as of this writing. While it is rare to see Good Samaritans like this woman, it is sadly less uncommon to see hit-and-run accidents, especially if substances like drugs or alcohol are involved.

Criminal Charges in Texas

In Texas, hit-and-run is referred to in law as the charge of leaving the scene of an accident, and it is either a second or third degree felony if injury or death has occurred, depending on the specific nature of events. It can be a difficult cause of action to bring, if only because many times, witnesses or surveillance footage does not exist – many hit and runs occur at night – or because hit-and-run victims are commonly painted as being complicit in their own injuries. However, the same rules apply as would apply for any felony, meaning that evidence proving the requisite intent (or failure to comply) is still what matters.

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Single-Vehicle Crash Shuts Down US 90 for Hours

 Posted on October 12, 2017 in Uncategorized

On October 3, 2017, US 90 in San Antonio was closed for hours as crews cleared debris from a single-vehicle accident that killed one person when she drifted and hit the guardrail. Other drivers struck the car as it flipped, but no other vehicle played a role in the accident itself. The woman was taken to University Hospital with critical injuries, but no one else was harmed. This type of accident is depressingly common in Texas and indeed in the U.S., for a myriad of reasons, and while no other drivers were harmed in this recent example, it is also depressingly common for injuries and fatalities to other drivers to be caused by these single-vehicle accidents.

Causes of Single-Vehicle Accidents

As one might imagine, there are many reasons single-vehicle accidents happen, though some are more foreseeable than others. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published a series of statistics and fact sheets on this topic and found a variety of factors that can contribute to single-vehicle crashes. The most common issue was substance abuse, especially alcohol, but many other issues such as poor road maintenance, speeding, weather conditions, or driver fatigue were also found to help cause these accidents.

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Teenage Girl Killed in Collision on Loop 1604

 Posted on October 10, 2017 in Uncategorized

Losing a loved one is a gut-wrenching, traumatic event. Losing a loved one in a sudden and completely unexpected accident makes the pain that much worse. For example, a 13-year-old girl lost her life when the 2005 Lexus in which she was a passenger was rear-ended by a 2011 Jeep Wrangler. The tragic collision occurred on Loop 1604 on the North Side of San Antonio.

Reports indicate that the Lexus was stopped in traffic when the driver of the Wrangler crashed into the back of the Lexus. The young girl suffered a severe head injury and was taken to University Hospital, where she later died, according to The driver of the Lexus also suffered serious injuries in the collision.

Deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of the young girl. It is heartbreaking to learn that someone so young, with a bright future in front of them, had their life taken due to the careless actions of another driver.

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